Tag: Conflict Resolution

A Holiday Without Your Partner? Yes, a Great Idea

Have you ever gone on a holiday without your partner? How did your partner feel about it? When coaching couples, there is often resentment when one person goes on a holiday (with family or friends) and the other stays at home. Our perspective is that it is super healthy to have your time apart.  The… Read more »

Ego or Spirit: Which Do You Employ?

Yup, you likely know there are two parts of your mind that direct your thoughts, words, and behaviour: Ego or Spirit. If you’re like me and most other people, you’ve had times (maybe lots of them) when you reacted to a situation with your sweetie, said something, and then almost instantly wished like heck you… Read more »

6 Tips To Expand The Love and Reduce Conflict

In the 20+ years Carol and I have been working with couples, we’ve not yet had a couple come to us saying, “We have an incredible relationship, filled with love, joy, happiness, and contentment. We want to expand the love even more.”  We’ve not had that – yet.  Maybe you and your partner will be… Read more »

Do I Want To Be Right? Or Happy?

Those are loaded questions, aren’t they. Do I want to be right? Or happy?  We regularly find ourselves in situations of defensiveness (with a heavy dose of ego attachment) where we forget to remind ourselves of these questions. Does it happen to you? If you say, “no”, I’m guessing you spoof about other things too. This… Read more »

Weathering The Storms In Your Relationship

If you’ve been in your relationship for more than a few weeks, you’ll know that it is not always “sunny days.”  Like the weather, there are storms in your relationship.  For long-term success, it is critical to have plans, systems, and strategies to move through the storms calmly, kindly, and respectfully with your long-term vision… Read more »

Are You Trigger Happy?

By relationship trigger, we are not referring to hunting or the use of a firearm.  We are referring to a weapon we all use occasionally to hurt our partner, or at least to evoke a negative emotion and reaction. The relationship trigger is the words, the tone of voice, and often the body language. You… Read more »

2 X 2 Couple’s Retreat: 10 Reasons to do it #2

Where we live out in the “sticks,” most of us have a 4 X 4 truck.  For us, it’s a no-brainer – for stability, safety, flexibility, and power. Our 4 X 4 keeps us solidly on the road, regardless of the conditions.  When consciously attending to conditions, we travel safely and get where we’re going. … Read more »

Conflict In Our Relationship? It’s A Good Thing

You might be thinking, “No, Dan, conflict is NOT a good thing.  We don’t want conflict in our relationship.  Conflict is hard work and it tears us apart.” I understand. Whether we’re coaching with a couple, I’m coaching with an executive, or in Communication Excellence training with a corporate team, reducing conflict is often one… Read more »

Understanding Builds Trust

Intentionally seeking to understand another builds trust in the relationship. What are you doing about this? We’d love to hear from you. And come visit us and enjoy the location too.