Tag: couples coaching in Alberta

Confidentiality Builds Trust

If you and I were having a conversation about something quite personal in my life, would you then talk to others about it? Your answer indicates that confidentiality builds trust. Your answer was likely “no”, yet how often to do and your life partner have a conversation that then gets spread to your friends, family,… Read more »

No With Grace

The word, “No” with grace can be a powerful tool to have in your toolbox. It is a chance to check in with your true desires and values. Rather than giving yourself away to others’ needs or wants, it enhances the relationship with self, your partner, and others. You can say No with grace to… Read more »

2 X 2 Couple’s Retreat: 10 Reasons to do it #2

Where we live out in the “sticks,” most of us have a 4 X 4 truck.  For us, it’s a no-brainer – for stability, safety, flexibility, and power. Our 4 X 4 keeps us solidly on the road, regardless of the conditions.  When consciously attending to conditions, we travel safely and get where we’re going. … Read more »

Embracing Sexual Intimacy

Sure, you may tease, or flirt, or joke about sex – or a lack of. Yet, the conversations about sexual intimacy, which is much deeper and more meaningful, may be a taboo subject in your relationship. You may dance around it, yet not really focus on embracing your sexual intimacy. Regardless of the quality of… Read more »

3 Steps For Better Feelings

“How’s it going, Aly?” With a tender, loving smile, and a glint in his eyes he said, “It’s a tough climb – but damn good footin’.” Aly was a stocky, elderly cowboy, about five feet tall.  Gold, wire-rimmed glasses perched on his short, broad nose.  His face was tanned and weathered.  On his round, bald… Read more »

Relationship Emergency Response Plan

Stuff happens in life – deaths, accidents, job loss, business failure, etc. It can put extra stress on your romantic relationship. Having a relationship emergency response plan established for what support looks like, sounds like, and feels like can minimize the stress and have both people feeling valued and cared for. It is not as… Read more »

What Is Happiness?

It seems most people strive for it, but what is happiness? We’re not meaning the fleeting happiness based on something or someone else. We’re meaning the deep, lasting, authentic, and real experience that is inside. What is happiness to you? More importantly, what specific things do you think, say, and do every day that allows… Read more »

The Joy Of Mediocrity

We strive for perfection (or at least excellence), so what’s this deal about the joy of mediocrity? If you are even a little bit like us (and most of the couples and individuals we coach), we can be incredibly hard on ourselves and each other when we don’t meet our own, or our partners expectations…. Read more »

Celebration: The Pause That Refreshes

Individually or as a couple, celebration is the pause that refreshes, when you make it a priority. Make it a priority? Oohh that’s the challenging part that requires attention, intention, and a wee bit of time to communicate about it. Until celebration becomes habitual, you might even need to schedule it. At least that’s our… Read more »

Punishment By Love – again

Weird title, isn’t it? My friend, Darrel, shared a story about a nomadic community in Africa.  I have no research or documentation to show validity.  Regardless, the story has a powerful lesson about punishment by love.  In many circles, this community would be labelled uncivilized.  They live in a harsh environment, hunting and gathering much… Read more »