How do you define success in your relationship? How does your partner define it? Have you had that conversation? To create greater success in your relationship, and to give yourselves time and space to talk about it, we invite you to consider attending the Rocky Mountain Couples Retreate on March 6 – 8, 2020, at… Read more »
Tag: how to improve my relationship
Why Have a Personal Retreat
People ask us, “Why do you take the time to have a personal retreat?” We find that what works in business, works in our personal relationship. There is huge value in having focused time, with an agenda, to have honest, open dialogue and to ensure we create our lives by our design. Check it out…. Read more »
2 Unkept Secrets For Lasting Happiness
In speaking engagements or workshops, I’ll occasionally ask, “Who would like a bit more happiness?” I’ve never met anyone who replied, “No, I’ve got enough happiness. I don’t want any more.” I believe that happiness can be measured on a continuum from 1 to 10, with 10 being extreme happiness, maybe described as bliss. In… Read more »
It’s Perfect To Be Naturally Imperfect: Relationship lessons from a grocery store
On my way home from Edmonton, I stopped into a large grocery store to pick up some items. We mostly support our local businesses in Sangudo, so this was unusual for me. I was intrigued by a section of the produce department that was marketing “Naturally Imperfect” items. There was something about the attributes of… Read more »
The Nasty Intention/Impact Gap: 7 Tips For Resolve
I once read, “We value ourselves by our intentions. Others value us by our impact.” Hmmm? It’s the gap between that often causes challenges, isn’t it? Example: Recently, Carol and I were debriefing after a couples coaching session – a lively celebratory dialogue. Carol began to apologize for her interjection into the flow of the… Read more »
Drama Addiction: Is it a resource-sucker for you?
I’ve not seen any research about the social and economic impacts of drama-addiction. Have you? Like any addiction, there is a huge cost. Maybe there is no qualitative or quantitative research because most of us are so immersed in our dramas, we don’t even recognize it’s a problem. I invite you to step back from… Read more »
Is Your Relationship Losing The Device War?
Walking in West Edmonton Mall recently, we were more acutely aware of the device war that seems to be escalating in our society. This device war is destroying intimate relationships, families, communities, businesses, and maybe the world (based on what we see and hear about our political leaders). A new-age world war, maybe? What do… Read more »
How Are You Caring For The Soil In Your Relationship?
Hey, don’t let your mind wander as you read the title. I’m defining soil as what your relationship grows in, not the …… well, you know. Although we don’t farm full-time anymore, we graze and market some natural grass-fed beef on our property. We’ve got a genuine and respectful attachment to nature, and a concern… Read more »
Curiosity: One Skill That Will Save Your Marriage
You may be thinking, “How can curiosity save a marriage?” BINGO. Just that one question can kick the pre-frontal cortex of your brain into gear to find better answers and solutions to any challenge you may face in your relationship. The challenge is that most of us have not been trained to ask good questions. … Read more »
Clarity Creates Confidence; Confusion Causes Chaos
I invite you to read the title one more time. I invite you to consider how clarity and confusion affect your relationship with your partner at home. Is the statement true for you? Carol and I attended a workshop which focused on creating an accountable workplace culture. Accountability expert, Greg Bustin, shared many gems, such… Read more »