Tag: accountability

Persistence, Commitment, Strength? Or Living Life – Just Because?

Stories of hardship, of overcoming surmountable obstacles, of winning in spite of unfathomable challenges; these are the stories that grab people by the heart.  You and I hear about them at conferences, watch them in movies, read about them in novels and non-fiction autobiographies.  They seem to stir up emotions and thoughts such as, “If… Read more »

Why Can’t He/She Understand Me? – 10 Simple Steps

In our coaching practice, we’d be wealthy if we received one dollar for every time we’ve heard the question in the title. Additionally, I may be nearing Warren Buffett’s status if I received a dollar every time I thought it. The biggest problem with this question is that it puts the blame on the other… Read more »

3 Timely Tips For, “We Need To Talk”

“Dan, we need to talk.” It’s not the most joyous thing to hear, is it?   In fact, it sucks.  When I hear those words, my heart falls into my boots.  And I’m thinking:  “What’s wrong? What did I do?” So I respond, “Talk?  Now?  Can we do it later, like next month, or next year? … Read more »

How Can You Stop Making Bad Decisions?

Ever had a time when you made a decision that turned out to be a really bad one? And when you reflect back to that decision point, you remember feeling a bit “off” about it? Example: Carol and I walked into the lawyer’s office to meet our friend, John (name changed).  We had agreed to… Read more »

Accountability in Speech

Accountability – Hmmm? Accountability is a buzz word that we all hear, use, and know about.  But do you truly apply it, especially in your speech? This is not meant to be an English lesson.  However,  are there ways to design your sentences in a way that is accountable, and so they don’t push other’s… Read more »