Tag: Dan Ohler

2 Unkept Secrets For Lasting Happiness

In speaking engagements or workshops, I’ll occasionally ask, “Who would like a bit more happiness?”  I’ve never met anyone who replied, “No, I’ve got enough happiness.  I don’t want any more.” I believe that happiness can be measured on a continuum from 1 to 10, with 10 being extreme happiness, maybe described as bliss.  In… Read more »

The Nasty Intention/Impact Gap: 7 Tips For Resolve

I once read, “We value ourselves by our intentions. Others value us by our impact.”  Hmmm?  It’s the gap between that often causes challenges, isn’t it? Example: Recently, Carol and I were debriefing after a couples coaching session – a lively celebratory dialogue.  Carol began to apologize for her interjection into the flow of the… Read more »

What Is Your Relationship Worth To You?

Your relationship with your partner/spouse is likely the most important relationship you will ever have. I’ll be so bold as to say it is an asset, or investment that will either provide you the HUGEST return, or be a big loser.  The cool thing is, you get to choose your return by your daily thoughts, words,… Read more »

Is A Perspective Shift Needed For You?

Where in your life would a slight shift of perspective make a significant difference in the quality of your relationships and your results? The choice: to get bitter or get better. A few years a go, I attended a series of intense Neuro Linguistic Programming classes to become a Master Practitioner of this modality.  One… Read more »

What Small Things Positively Affect Your Relationship?

Are you looking for a silver bullet?  Something that will fix your relationship right now, or yesterday? Relationships are much like business.  Overnight success takes 10 or 20 years. What seemingly small things do you do everyday (or regularly) that work for you?  Please share them in the comments section so we can have a… Read more »

Drama Addiction: Is it a resource-sucker for you?

I’ve not seen any research about the social and economic impacts of drama-addiction.  Have you?  Like any addiction, there is a huge cost. Maybe there is no qualitative or quantitative research because most of us are so immersed in our dramas, we don’t even recognize it’s a problem. I invite you to step back from… Read more »

Forgiveness: The only real job you and I have

Forgiveness is art and a science.  Art because it takes creativity.  Science because if stimulates physiological and neurological healing and change. That aside, I believe in my deepest core that forgiveness is the most important and meaningful task you and I have in our lives.  Why? Forgive is for-giving love I’m not a religious guy. … Read more »

Focused Time Will Make It Fine: It’s a juggling act

Where does your relationship with your partner fit on your list of priorities? Weird question because I don’t have a written list of my priorities in life (roles).  Do you? Yet if we evaluate how we distribute our time, effort, and attention, it is very clear that you and I DO have an unconscious list… Read more »

Do You Play These 6 Chords To Make Your Relationship A Classic?

Classic relationship

At Connections Coffee House in Sangudo, Carol regularly arranges for musicians to perform evening shows. Naturally, there are wonderful songs filled with beautiful chords, and many of them are about relationships. Most times, we have the extreme honour to host these talented people at our home – to provide them with accommodations and meals until… Read more »