Tag: Dan Ohler

When Life Sucks …??

Ever felt stuck in your life, not sure what to do or where to go? Maybe even now? I don’t mean that you don’t have things to do. Most people I know share with me that they are incredibly busy. What I mean is that what you’re doing just doesn’t feel meaningful, purposeful and contributing in… Read more »

Bragging? Maybe, But The Point Is…

I feel extremely humbled. At the recent Gathering Of Alberta Co-ops 2014, there was an awards ceremony at the Gala.  Although I was not in attendance, I was declared the recipient of the Cooperative Visionary Leadership Award.  This award recognizes demonstrated leadership in a co-operative or credit union, at any level, that: Inspired others toward… Read more »

How To Be More Productive: It’s About People, Isn’t It?

My son, Jamie, once said, “Work is highly overrated.” Although his comment was in jest, there is some truth to those wise words for many people. Sure, most of us are required to work in order to keep wieners and beans on the table. Let’s face the facts: most of us invest a large percentage… Read more »

One Thing for Romance

When life gets hectic, romance is often the first thing to fall away. Would that be true for you? You know how it goes – hectic all day and when you finally get home, it’s a quick bite of supper and off to more meetings or flop on the couch in front of the tube… Read more »

Relationship Tips

Carol and I had the extreme honour to present “Romance Your Business And Life” to an amazing group of women at the Millionaire Woman Club, an event organized by Debra Kasowski. Here’s a short video Debra filmed that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. I challenge you to apply these Relationhship Tips. Which one are you going… Read more »

What’s On Your Incomplete List?

Movers and shakers usually have a lot on the go. Are you one of them? It can be easy to take on more tasks, yet sometimes there are past tasks that just haven’t been completed yet. These incompletions can be an anchor that hold you back. They drag and suck your energy, enthusiasm, and energy…. Read more »

Shared Experiences

What do you do together – the two of you? If you don’t create shared, or common experiences, what is it doing to the quality of your relationship? So, the question again, what common experiences are you going to create TODAY? And what do you suggest/recommend other couples do to bring their relationship closer together?

How to slow down in life

Do You Ever Backpaddle in Your Relationship? Life can seem really hectic at times – rushing here, rushing there, plowing through the day.  Ever experience that? It’s worth the effort to backpaddle, slow down and enjoy the ride.  Check out this metaphor. When are you going to do it? Do you have strategies for slowing… Read more »

Unload Stress – Do A Brain-Dump

Sometimes life can seem so hectic.  Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Studies indicate that a persistent feeling of “overwhelmedness”  leads to all kinds of physical, mental, and social disorders – dis-ease.  I don’t want any of that, do you? Here’s how to unload stress by getting all of that stuff off your heart and mind…. Read more »

Accountability in Speech

Accountability – Hmmm? Accountability is a buzz word that we all hear, use, and know about.  But do you truly apply it, especially in your speech? This is not meant to be an English lesson.  However,  are there ways to design your sentences in a way that is accountable, and so they don’t push other’s… Read more »